£26,000 yearly
Grimsby Town Football Club
Blundell Park, Cleethorpes, UK
Who We Are
We don’t just work for Grimsby Town Football Club — we are Grimsby Town Football Club. It’s a remarkable story that began in 1878 and has continued uninterrupted ever since.
There is nothing bigger and nothing more powerful in uniting so many people — through purpose, passion and pride — than a football club. It’s people’s identity. It’s their family; their heritage. It’s where they belong. This is something that cannot be undone. The bond, ties and loyalty are forever. And by being here, we are part of the story.
This is no ordinary job. This is an extraordinary opportunity. We are more than staff, players, managers, coaches, analysists, physios, stewards, and volunteers. We are friends, supporters, promoters, entertainers, role models and, in some cases, idols and legends. But we cannot be any of these things without each other.
None of us is bigger than all of us. Every day, we strive for better. We are a football club, but we’re...