We’ve always believed that there are ways to make an Academy successful, but the best way is our way. It worked for us in our area, but was that because of us? Could we replicate it in other locations, as Franchises? We weren’t sure; so we had to test it.
What is a successful academy, in our eyes?
Success for us is different to success for anyone else.
First and foremost, success is about the players.
Success is different for every individual, but it can be defined: every individual that comes in has to leave better than they were. Better as footballers and better as people. Make an impact.
It can be replicated in every location, because of the systems and processes that we now have in place.
Our first location has 1,500 players and 55 coaches in just Enfield, North London.
Our second location (franchised), has 260 players and 12 coaches and it has been live for 18 months.
Our third location (franchised), now has 140 players and 8 coaches and it is only in its 13th month.
If your intentions are purely about the players, the rest takes care of itself.