Sandbach United are recruiting for the position of Club Secretary. As Club Secretary you will be involved in shaping the future of one of the biggest grassroots football clubs in the North of England, whilst holding a position on the clubs Executive Committee.
TITLE OF THE POST - Club Secretary
This is a trustee role with the specific duty of being the organisations appointed Secretary. The Trustees are elected for a 3 year term of service period. SUFC’S governing document is available on request. |
REPORTS TO: The Trustee/Executive Committee
PURPOSE OF ROLE: To ensure that ALL football related administrative affairs of SUFC are conducted within FA/League governance requirements and to ensure that the Executive Committee meet all FA/League governance responsibilities. |
Ensure the Executive Committee fulfils its administrative responsibilities
• Deal with Executive Committee correspondence and keep appropriate records • Monitor the progress of work as agreed by the Executive Committee. • Ensure the Executive Committee meets its legal/FA/League obligations, including reporting and insurance requirements
Club Affiliation • Affiliate all teams with Cheshire FA on The Whole Game System (WGS) before 1 July each season. • Update WGS with appropriate information relating to Managers and Coaches. League Registration • Register teams with the appropriate Leagues except for the First Team. • Liaise with Head of Football to ensure that all teams are playing in the appropriate division within the League to enable effective player development. • Liaise with League Secretaries to ensure that all criteria for League entry is met. Player Registration • Register all players on WGS with the support of the team managers (except for the First Team). • Liaise with Club Treasurer to ensure that membership fees are paid before registering players. This includes working with the Football Development Administrators collected any outstanding player membership fees. • Work with the Football Development Administrators to ensure all squads have sufficient player numbers to play their games. This includes co-ordinating the player waiting list & ensuring advertisements for additional players are created in a timely manner to retain the correct team squad sizes. • Ensure all player fines and disciplinary sanctions are cascaded to teams and paid by each player
Grants and Funding · Work with other members of the Executive Committee to coordinate, plan and apply for relevant grants and funds to help develop the club facilities and services in line with our strategic plan. This may include the Football Foundation, Premier League Fund, Cheshire East and Sandbach Town Council as an example. Attendance of Meetings • Attend league meetings where necessary. Reporting back to the Executive Committee if required. • Attend League Annual General Meetings on the club’s behalf. Reporting back to the Executive Committee if required. • Attend monthly Executive Committee meetings. Essential Qualities • A good knowledge of administrative procedures. • Report writing and presentation skills. • Ability to communicate clearly. • Ability to work as part of a team. Desirable Qualities • Knowledge of Grassroots Football • Knowledge of The Whole Game System • Knowledge of Mid Cheshire, Northwest Youth Alliance and North Staffordshire Leagues
NOTE: In companies it is common for the Chief Officer of the organisation to be appointed as the Company Secretary. We require that the Secretary be a Trustee role, therefore, close collaboration will be required with the Chief Officer/Centre Manager to ensure harmonisation of duties. |
PROJECT AREA Executive Committee representation and FA/League & player administration |
BASED AT SUFC, Hind Heath Road, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 |
DAYS AND TIMES OF DAY REQUIRED To be determined. Will include both evening and weekend attendance as required for the role. |
ANY SPECIAL TRAINING OFFERED Relevant training for Committee Members will be available |
SUFC POLICIES WILL APPLY All policies are available on the SUFC Website |
ACCESS SUFC is wheelchair accessible and the building is all on flat level. There is a car park to the front of the building including disabled parking bays and access |
SUPPORT The Board of Trustees will provide team support as necessary. |
Simon Tillott – Club Chairman at chair@sandbachunitedfc.co.uk |
Sandbach United Football Club are one of the largest grassroots football clubs in England boasting 68 teams ranging from Soccer School to Veterans, we have both boys and girls pathways leading to out men's and women's teams both playing at step 6 of the national pyramid.